Tune in to hear week one of two 2021 Remember America Lecture Series: Restoring Liberty. This event titled America’s History Timeline: Does it Matter? with Dr. Michael Myers will discuss how the true history of the United Stated of America is being obscured and in danger of being “canceled.” This session focuses on America’s Christian history timeline, looking for evidence that declares the wondrous works of God in raising this nation as a light of truth among the nations of the world. If we forget who we are as a people, we will soon abandon our founding principles and become something we were never intended to be.
The core objectives of this session are to:
- recognize God’s Hand in America’s founding
- identify America’s place in God’s unfolding plan for humanity
- trace the flow of liberty in history for the individual from the spiritual sphere (internal) to the civil sphere (external)
To access the session on YouTube, please click the link below.
Resources can be accessed by clicking the links below:
Restoring Liberty Session 2-America’s Christian History Timeline Power Point
Restoring Liberty Session 2 – America’s Christian History Timeline Printable Notes